I was known for having huge triceps
when they turned me into a flower
I disputed reason
with an idle that could only be described
as gorgeous
I took a hundred personality quizzes
and was the opposite of each result
I wrapped the cord of a lamp around my thigh
to imply the presence of my body as light
I stood at a window in the early evening and watched traffic
This was improper an occasion to be nude
and yet
I was always spilling from the desks
of my colleagues like a naughty secret
They loved to watch me watching me
I was the correlation of sunrise to velvet
and the spiked leaves of weapons
And I denied many things
like the feeling of a day
as a productive unit of time
And reason is no more
a salve than petals are meat
I was a flower I was falling from an office building in the dark
I was coherent within my notion of grace