EDITION #29 (2009)
The stand-out feature of #29 was the spoken word collaboration with Overload Poetry Festival. GDS sent audio teams to all of Overload’s shows in 2009, committing them to the electronic record, and selecting the best offerings to feature on the GDS #29 CD.
The result is an extraordinary range of work from local and visiting performers. There’s live material from The Bedroom Philosopher’s Songs from the 86 Tram; the entirely spellbinding closing monologue from American jazz poet L E Scott; heartaching rural snapshots from Cate Kennedy; an extract from Nathan Curnow’s Ghost Poetry Project; award-winning indigenous writer Ali Cobby Eckermann’s tales of family; Anthony O’Sullivan’s ebullient Nirvana tribute written for Liner Notes; and a future GDS commission writer in Felix Nobis seeing a storm coming in.
The book contains the wonderful graphic novella ‘Where the Wild Things Aren’t’, by Oslo Davis, along with work from Chris Flynn, Simon Cox, Josephine Rowe, and New York writer Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz.
Editors: Lisa Greenaway, Klare Lanson
Published 2009.