tanned oxford dodo head Copenhagen 1847 moby dick’s jawbone
vertical where for millions of years it had no predators ursus
arctos Belgium coalmine please don’t touch the fucking bear
digging through bone suddenly rummaging in atavism for an
autochthonous reason not to find the t-rex underwhelming with
its stupid anæmic wings and grotesquely unnecessary
longvanished brickpit large & flightless like anyone else with
bidigital flightless sauric feet and a lot of unfathomably pointless
numbers homily erect flint ax and silicified conifer trunk necessity
somehow simultaneously blind and cruel and supposed I guess to
grope for some common amalgamate substrate linking the
megaloceros giganteus or some other Pleistocene fetish to the
meal deal from £3.99 open 7 00 to 20 00 and sightseeing and
what do these pious shortswearing pseudofucks think they
commune with writing their stupid fucking birdpoems but the
heaped abyssal history of the language we built we are to
slaughter raphus cucullatus and these other poor fucks and string
them here as icons of our conquest and the refined chandeliers of
genetic regret they think it pays for so they can come and write
and speak to our slaughter and think it has anything in common
though now perhaps it will in this last and the our of our death in
the coming not of spirit or capital but death as history’s only
subject and what do they think they’ll find
when they find it here