Find a Homophobe, Ask Her How It Tastes
— <3 <3 <3 poem by Madison Griffiths <3 <3 <3
The Devil of Msida
— by Nick Robinson
natural history poem
— by Jonathan Dunk
on meeting places
— Interactive essay from Rory Green
GDS #21 (2003)
Milk Ghosts
— by Chris Kuriata
winter jumper
— by Hasib Hourani
GDS #18 (2000)
Self-Reflection as My Witness
— by Anthea Yang
GDS #15 (1995)
GDS #23 (2006)
from Nostalgia Has Ruined My Life
— by Zarah Butcher-McGunnigle
Not Your Miss or Madame: A Three-Act Meditation on Love, Opera and Friendship
— Hybrid non-fiction by Reina Brigette Takeuchi and Lucia Tường Vy Nguyễn
My mother was born from an apple
— Fiction by Tehnuka
— by Sarah McConnell
Female Monsters, a Roman Goddess and Darwin: On Womanhood and Body When You Have Cancer
— by Amal Awad
Bonus Feature: Anneli Goeller
— Anelli Goeller discusses #41.
GDS #8 (1988)
The Greatest Hits of 2021
— Announcing... 2021's most clicked...❤
41 EXTRA! is HERE!
— B-sides and extras from edition Forty One.
— Day 1 winner of the GDS micro-microfiction challenge 2021
dot dash
— Creative non-fiction from Sar Fegan
Transcript: spot in the house where the phone works
GDS #10-11 (1990)
— Going Down Swinging presents a yummy mini-edition.
Transcript: How To Talk To White People
— by Kim Waters
— Fiction by Laura Charlton
GDS #4 (1981)
GDS #27 (2008)