you can never be wrong
— by Joshua Badge
Transcript: How To Talk To White People
— An interview between Jon Tjhia and Lujayn Hourani.
GDS #29 (2009)
— Fiction by Claire Cao
Grief Lessons as a letter
— by Josie/Jocelyn Deane
[in the pebbled rut]
— by Christine Hamm
GDS #23 (2006)
Transcript: Dystopian Novel with Me as the Central Character by Freya Daly Sadgrove
Why Black Lives Matter Resonates With Black People All Over the World
— by Claudia Chinyere Akole
— by Danny Silva Soberano
— Day 1 winner of the 2020 Swinburne Microfiction Challenge.
A funeral for my body that nobody is invited to
— Non-fiction by Sian Campbell
GDS #35 (2013)
GDS #31 (2011)
— A poem by Grace Chan and
illustration by James Martin
GDS #15 (1995)
— by Joshua Badge
GDS Archives - Celebrating the archives
Transcript: on meeting places by Rory Green
Interview with Eloise Grills
— Author of 'big beautiful female theory'
GDS #19 (2001)
T Huang: The Tennis Jock
— by Tina Huang
Singing in Public, Not for the Public, But Not for Oneself
— by Christopher O'Neill
GDS #32 (2011)
something more than nutrients
— Interactive digital poetry from Anita Solak
GDS #16 (1996)
'Good Long Time'
— Jon Tjhia reads an excerpt of his piece from #41.
Hey Man
— by Jack Kirne
What wouldn’t take root in the cucamelon garden
— by Clare Millar