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GDS #41
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Friendly Faces
— Day 3 winner of the GDS micro-microfiction challenge 2021
Like a song, like a dance
— Spoken word poetry and translations by Coco X. Huang
a floating body is a flying body
— by Christy Tan and thanh tú
Head in the Void
— by Harry McLean
What wouldn’t take root in the cucamelon garden
— by Clare Millar
It Goes, I Had a Dream I Was Your Hero
— by Madison Griffiths
winter jumper
— by Hasib Hourani
Interviewing Anna Kharzeeva
— Interview by Lee Tran Lam
Folding tofu skins while Shanghai stills
— GDS Reads... by Jinghua Qian
GDS #39 (2018)
GDS #8 (1988)
— a poem by Eileen Chong
GDS #9 (1989)
Salt in other people's wounds
— by Hasib Hourani
How the Coronavirus Rewrote My Passion Project: A Play
— A short play by Joel Burrows.
from Nostalgia Has Ruined My Life
— by Zarah Butcher-McGunnigle
GDS #36 (2013)
GDS #33 (2012)
Milk Ghosts
— by Chris Kuriata
GDS #10-11 (1990)
Hey Man
— by Jack Kirne
— Fiction for voice and piano, written and performed by Coco Huang.
Still Life in September, Two Years On
— Spoken word by Fury, with animation by Maeve Baker.
Rhoticity, /r/
— Day 4 winner of the 2020 Swinburne Microfiction Challenge.
Road Movie
— by Sophie Tegan Gardiner
GDS #3 (1981)
— Fiction by Oliver Coulter
The Curse
— by Jennifer Hauptman Lim
GDS #13 (1993)
The Singers
— Spoken word by Eleanor Jackson, with animation by Maeve Baker.